Saturday, October 15, 2011

malayalam nakshatra porutham

There are certain malayalam nakshatra porutham events which are peculiar to females and which have to be predicted by the Arthava Lagna or the sign that rises at the time of the first appearance of the menses. There are two Lagnas both for men and women, viz.,
the rising sign or Janma Lagna at the time of birth and Janma Rasi or the sign
occupied by the Moon. The odd signs are called cruel and the even signs are called
mild. From the birth Lagna must be ascertained the complexion, beauty and

genera appearance of the woman and the 8th house from Lagna must be consulted
for her marital life and widowhood. From the 7th house from Lagna her sexual
passions, her husband's character, her fortune and her general happiness have to
be found out. The 5th house from Lagna rasi nakshatra porutham has to be examined to find out her pregnancy, he issues, conceptions and abortions.

If the birth or Chandra falls in even signs she will have feminine characteristics. If
they have beneficial aspects or conjunctions, the female will be beautiful, will have
ornaments, and will be respected. If the Lagna and Chandra fall in odd signs, she
will be masculine in appearance and temper, bad character sorrowful; if these two,
Lagna and Chandra, are combined with or aspected by cruel planets, her character
will be bad and sinful. nakshatra porutham In judging of these results, the astrologer has great difficulties and has to use much discretion in predicting the results. Take some illustrations; Kataka is Lagna with Kuja there and aspected by Sani. Lagna is even and the girl ought to be good, but the presence of Kuja in debilitation with the aspect of Sani will make her a whore and of bad character.

There are some women, bad in morality but otherwise respectful and agreeable in
behaviour. There are some others who are moral gems, but disrespectful and
quarrelsome in behaviour. In the above case say Chandra is also in Kanya an even
sign and is aspected by Guru or Sukra. Say Makara is Lagna and Kuja and Sani are
there. Makara is an even sign with Kuja in exaltation and Sani in his own house.
Now do the planets here give the same results as they do in Kataka? Kataka as
Lagna with Kuja and Guru, with Sani and Ravi, with Sukra and Sani, with Kuja
and Sukra, with Rahu and Ravi; with Ketu and Chandra will and must produce
certainly different results. Suppose Mesha as Lagna with Sani and Kuja, Sani and
Rahu, Sani and Guru, Sani and Chandra, and rasi nakshatra porutham Sani and Sukra they will produce characteristics of a different kind and the student should be very careful in his predictions.

Take Kataka as Lagna with Guru in it. He will be in exaltation, and if he has no
evil aspects he will produce a woman of great majesty, excellent character, virtuous
behaviour and generous disposition. Suppose Makara is Lagna. Here both Kataka
and Makara are even signs and in both we have Guru the most beneficial among
the planets. But in Makara, Guru is debilitated and as such the woman cannot be
one of exceptional character. There is great difference in the signs themselves.
Kataka is a beneficial sign and when the Moon is full, it will be quite auspicious.
But when the Moon is weak as in Amavasya, the sign will not be so powerful.
Makara is an evil sign by nature and Guru there is bad both because Makara is an
evil sign and also because Guru is in debilitation.

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