Monday, September 19, 2011

Marriage Matching Tips

online horoscope matching or nakshatra matching is being considered as a method for solemnizing marriages for hindu families these days. This holds only for arranged marriages and not for love marriages. horoscope matching is called by a number of different names namely nakshatra porutham or jathaka porutham in south india, kundali matching, kundali milan, online kundali matching in north india. The purpose of horoscope compatibility is to understand the future of couples to be married and their longevity, health, finance and social status. Nakshatra porutham should be an exception if the nakshatra of the boy or the girl is makam, thiruvathira, chothi, pooruttathi and makayiram since these stars don't have any sashtashtaka dosham.

If in horoscope matching there is shashtashtaka from rashi or lagna it is at best to avoid these horoscope matching. Rashi sashtahtaka would cause unnecessary disagreement in each and every matter and leads a married life full of quarrels and fight daily. For Mrigaseersham, Aswini, Makam, Ardra, Swathi and Uthirattathi stars Same Rajju is acceptable. These are the only Starts that gets an exception for Rajju matching.

If it is the same star for boy and girl then it is considered for alliance, but in general inter-alia within the above six other stars, then not considered in general. Star matching can be considered if most of the other aspects are scoring on the higher side.


  1. Marrige matching is a very challenging issue. Though it all relies on fate but we the individuals are always looking for excellent suits for marrige. Most of enough time individuals go with astrology for the best marrige matching.

  2. Marriage is the most important decision of our life which decides our future and progress. In Indian culture especially in Hindu, Marriage is considered extremely pious and sacred union of two individual souls who start their journey of life together.kundali milan for free

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  5. Numerology is a predictive science that analyzes using numbers just like astrology uses the movement of planets.
